! $OpenBSD: dot.Xdefaults,v 1.3 2014/07/10 10:22:59 jasper Exp $ XTerm*loginShell:true ! ! Above automatically generated by OpenBSD (Xenodm?) ! Below pinched from ! https://scarygliders.net/2011/12/01/customize-xterm-the-original-and-best-terminal/?PageSpeed=noscript ! and adapted ! ! Font settings Xft.dpi: 120 Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.rgba: rgb ! Use a nice truetype font and size by default... xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono Book xterm*faceSize: 11 ! Every shell is a login shell by default (for inclusion of all necessary environment variables) xterm*loginshell: true ! I like a LOT of scrollback... xterm*savelines: 16384 ! double-click to select whole URLs :D xterm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48 ! DOS-box colours... xterm*foreground: rgb:f8/f8/a8 xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00 xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00 xterm*color1: rgb:a8/00/00 xterm*color2: rgb:00/a8/00 xterm*color3: rgb:a8/54/00 xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/a8 xterm*color5: rgb:a8/00/a8 xterm*color6: rgb:00/a8/a8 xterm*color7: rgb:a8/a8/a8 xterm*color8: rgb:54/54/54 xterm*color9: rgb:fc/54/54 xterm*color10: rgb:54/fc/54 xterm*color11: rgb:fc/fc/54 xterm*color12: rgb:54/54/fc xterm*color13: rgb:fc/54/fc xterm*color14: rgb:54/fc/fc xterm*color15: rgb:fc/fc/fc ! right hand side scrollbar... xterm*rightScrollBar: true xterm*ScrollBar: true ! stop output to terminal from jumping down to bottom of scroll again xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false